From a very young age, Lexie loved the theater and the big screen. On any given day you could find her watching a classical movie or listening to one of her Broadway musical records (what’s a record?). She dreamed of being an actress, a director, and a producer at a time when there were few women directing or producing. Lexie attended UCLA to pursue a Theatre Arts degree, which loved. However, she chose to graduate with a degree in Psychology rationalizing that it would give her a better understanding of the characters she would play or direct. After graduating from UCLA, she remained in Los Angeles to pursue an acting career for several before moving back to San Francisco and eventually to Texas. Lexie currently works at Coram Deo Academy where she loves being the Assistant High School Theater Director and encouraging the students. (She is also one of the Grammar School PE coaches). Lexie was blessed to help with the Centerstage Summer production and is excited and humbled to assist with this upcoming season’s performances.